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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Pittsburgh Visual Art

There are so many talented visual artists in the Pittsburgh region. Paint, glass, print and more. Find the most comprehensive, up to date directory of them and performance, literary artists and beyond at the Pittsburgh Artist Registry.

If you want my take on the visual artists I have made the effort to come across which go beyond what I may have or want in my collection check out my Pittsburgh Artists List. My bias spans from honest emotive work (generically but from the raw to polished in style), to fantasy entwined in personal narrative, to dark narratives, to the fundamentally precise coupled with a story behind it. Then there is the illusive abstract, which I continue to learn about regardless of medium, and the language it involves. I am biased against art which highlights and/or celebrates pop culture without some edge. Take the fancy words aside I like art that moves me personally from the raw to the "trained" and still maintain a passion for appreciating art which may not speak to me personally but respecting it's honesty and craft.

Rick Byerly


The Pittsburgh Art Blog

The Pittsburgh Art Blog features selected pittsburgh artists and upcoming exhibits with photos from the artists and galleries. since the major press outlets do not go beyond a directory listing of exhibits, blogs are needed to promote pittsburgh artists and their work. the blog also calls attention to the inferiority complex of pittsburgh art and how it's perpetuated by the major players in town. Started on August 20, 2007.pittsburgh area galleries and art venues are listed at the sister site www.PghGalleries.com.

the blog and website are volunteer projects from fine art photographer and pittsburgh artist advocate rick byerly, www.RickByerly.com.

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