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Saturday, November 6, 2010

New Public Art Murals Thanks to the Sprout Fund, Pittsburgh PA 2010

The Sprout Fund murals which have recently been finished (most of them) are among some of my favorites so far. Regardless, the work they do is crucial to a town where new public art has become harder to come by as far as what happens through the City of Pittsburgh.

With more than $3.5 million invested in nearly 400 civic and community initiatives since 2001, Sprout continues to support innovative ideas and grassroots community projects that are catalyzing change in Pittsburgh.

Donation info can be found here.

Info from Sprout Fund on the murals (Curt Gettman's words):

East Liberty (5877 Commerce Street) – Artist: Brian Brown (will be completed spring 2011) – Title: TBD

Artist held a photo day where over 75 community members came out to have their portrait taken. Brian will be working around 40 portraits from that session into the finished mural.

Oakdale (5023 Noblestown Road) – Artist: Diane Adams - Title: America’s Home Town

Diane has previously painted murals for Sprout’s regional Community Connections initiative.

Trafford (425 Cavitt Avenue) – Artist: Berry Breene – Title: Windows to our future, portals from the past

Mural greets viewers as they enter town on the Tri-Borough Expressway. Has changed the feel of the borough’s primary gateway immensely.

Uptown (2106 Forbes Avenue – Artist: Gabe Felice – Title: Open Heaven Open Sky

Community gave Gabe free reign to paint pretty much whatever he wanted. The resulting multi-layered, organic design is some of Gabe’s best work yet.

Strip District (1907 Penn Avenue) – Artists: Carley Parrish and Shannon Pultz – Title: The Strip Mural

This extremely large mural inspired by collage artist Romare Bearden (and the hustle bustle of daily life in the Strip) is just about finished. Artists are attaching metal birds as sculptural elements to complete the work. Should be completely done by this weekend.

Wilkinsburg (745 Penn Avenue – Artists: Jesse Best and Brian Holderman – Title: 10,000

Another big one. Brian previously painted a portion of this same wall in 2003 (the first year of the program). He returned in 2010 with his friend Jesse Best and created a more sophisticated design that uses the entire wall.

Sprout Public Art improves the image of the region and enhances the visual landscape of neighborhoods in Pittsburgh and the surrounding communities of Allegheny County by creating high quality public art. The program encourages dialogue on public art between the community and the artist, contributes to community and neighborhood development, and raises awareness about the important role that local artists can have in shaping communities.

Over eight seasons of Sprout Public Art and local communities have collaborated with artists to develop 56 enduring works of public art that enhance the urban landscape and consider the people of the community, their history and their hopes for the future.

Recent support for Sprout Public Art was generously provided in part by The Laurel Foundation, The PNC Foundation, The Allegheny Regional Asset District and other generous donors.

Sprout Fund Website.


The Pittsburgh Art Blog

The Pittsburgh Art Blog features selected pittsburgh artists and upcoming exhibits with photos from the artists and galleries. since the major press outlets do not go beyond a directory listing of exhibits, blogs are needed to promote pittsburgh artists and their work. the blog also calls attention to the inferiority complex of pittsburgh art and how it's perpetuated by the major players in town. Started on August 20, 2007.pittsburgh area galleries and art venues are listed at the sister site www.PghGalleries.com.

the blog and website are volunteer projects from fine art photographer and pittsburgh artist advocate rick byerly, www.RickByerly.com.

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