Apparently I can't stay away from creating in SL :)
So, the quick and dirty of what's up:
- I'm re-branding to .{Rue}.
- Right now, the shop is just going to be on the sl marketplace: I have posted some old House of Ruin items to help with Luna Jubilee's "52 Weeks of Color" challenge. Eventually there will be *new* stuff, too :)
(If I make enough money to support an inworld shop, I'll move in that direction, but for now I'm going to take it slower.)
- New blog:
- I'm switching to a new subscriber list. You don't have to do anything, this is just to give you a heads up (the new list will have the new brand name).
- I will have an office soon where folks can click the subscriber, so I'll send you an LM to that when it's ready :)
Take care, darlings <3 Rue
*flails around* I love this store and now it's coming back!! Past posts here and here
I know Jaxie will "yell" at me for that title *lol*
Next week, on December, 8th i am going to hospital for a surgery. Those that read my blog for a longer time, know that i am sick, ugly and fat in RL. This is me btw, don`t be shocked *grins* This is my personal blog in german, under the first three posts ever are a lot morepics of me, so you see i wasn`t always fat ...
I am going to get a gastric bypass (Magenbypass) This is a surgery which is hazardous, because of the weight and all stuff going on in my body ;-) This means i will be in hospital for around a week, at least. When i am back home i need some time to recover and will only post on the blog from time to time. I plan on going to a convalescent home on December, 28th, i will be there three weeks minimum.
This blog won`t be abandoned by me, i will return as soon as i can and i will do my very best before i leave to show you lots of great SL goodies. While i am gone, my lovely helping Hands Lilyana and Co. will do some posts to keep the blog alive. If you send review copies, don`t be angry when i cannot post them in time. I have good reasons to be late :-)
I expect there will be no complications with the surgery, but in the worst case i want you all to know i love you and i am absolutely grateful for following my blog :-) Once i left the intensive care i will try to say hello in the new chatbox, so you know i am still around ;-)