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Sunday, January 17, 2010

2 Quick Hunts

$10 total - You have until 14 Febuary to find 10 firecrackers priced at $1/firecracker at Magia. If you find all you'll get the jewelry and complete outfit below.
store: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Magia%20Island/186/92/27
blog: http://houseofmagia.blogspot.com

First Step Shopping Mall is having a treasure chest hunt. The treasure chest are large and while a number of the prizes are fp freebies you'll find the 3rd floor mall area has originally made prizes from the vendors located there, a mix of freebies on the 4th floor, and additional original prizes on the 5th floor. Also, the 5th floor has another spot for the Milk Hall freebies available at a number of other spots.

House & furniture goodies:

And also find the special rod to unlock a hidden romantic garden:

The jacket comes in both male and female versions.

HAIR: $0 Magika's Freebie Box 14 styles included - http://slurl.com/secondlife/Magika%20Land/140/107/24

SKIN: $1/skin - April 2 & April 3 @ A piece of candy - upstairs in 'new' section- http://slurl.com/secondlife/Oamaru%20Bay/183/55/22

SHOES: #105 female prize from Accessories Hunt @ Donna Flora -http://slurl.com/secondlife/Bonin/153/150/37

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