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Friday, March 20, 2009

I Will Eat Green Eggs and Ham

Falln Egg _2

If you haven't heard the Falln Angel Creations 3rd Annual Ostara Egg Hunt is on. So if you want to do this hunt and have $99 laying around run don't walk to one of the 5 Falln Angel sims. This hunt will end at 23 March 3:00am SLT. You'll be searching for eggs priced at $1/egg. The prizes include clothing, poses, skins, hair, jewelry, home accessories, & avatar accessories (horns, wings, eyes). Although most of the prizes are from Falln you'll find additional prizes by other merchants. I didn't pick up everything, and sl is having it's usually consistent weekend database issues (Unable to create requested object. Object is missing from database. Oh, and Unable to create requested object. Object is missing from database.) but, here's what I'm able to show you: ($1/99 eggs - http://slurl.com/secondlife/FallnAngel%20Creations/132/133/124)

Falln Egg _1
(Green & black shoes shown is some photos were part of the Ibizarre St. Patrick's Day gift. Larger here.)

There are specific rules that apply (but, should be common sense and applied to ALL hunts):
Anyone cheating will be BANNED from all Falln Estates - no exceptions!-
-No giving out records and/or landmarks of prize locations; No following landmarks given to you. (please inform us of anyone handing out records/LMs).
-No leading others to the prizes.
-No shouting the locations/slurls of prizes.
-No direct teleporting to the prizes.
-No use of 'item finders'.
-Do not contact us and complain about the hunt being difficult. It is supposed to be a challenge.
Also, before you complain about the prizes, please read: http://fabfree.wordpress.com/2008/01/12/freebie-etiquette-reminder/
Remember there is nothing I can do about the lag.
-If anyone is cheating the prizes will be moved to different locations. To avoid confusion and possible lynch mobs, please respect our rules :)
So, do us all a favor and don't cheat!

Falln Egg _3
The hunt takes place over 5 sims:
FallnAngel Creations: http://slurl.com/secondlife/FallnAngel%20Creations/133/123/124
Falln Amusements: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Falln%20Amusements/128/128/2
Falln Sanitarium: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Falln%20Sanitarium/163/129/47
Falln Sanctuary: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Falln%20Sanctuary/2/114/2
Tol Narwa Vire:http://slurl.com/secondlife/Tol%20Narwa%20Vire/103/133/24
***No eggs will be found on the private homes estate***

Falln Egg _4
(Poses in this picture are from Falln Angel hunt.)

Prizes are provided from the following merchants: FallnAngel Creations, Little Boy Blue, Sinfull Creations, AnthroXtacy Avatars, BABELFISH design, CalleCo, ChaosSun's Creations, Disarray, Eccentricities by Azzy, JessieLeigh Gothly, Kincade Spad, Memento Mori, Saty's Shop, ^S^ Full Moon Rising, =][ Silken Desires][=, SilverAngel Creations, *Skinthesis*, Something Wicked This Way Rezzes, *Starlight Treasures*, Tacky Star, THEE DARKER SYDE, Unveiling the Goddess, XINIDU Kirax. Not all prizes are pictured.

Falln Egg _5
(Larger here.)

Thanks to all the sponsors. The Falln Angel hunts are a must not only for the hunt, but for the atmosphere too.

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